Martial Arts
Martial Arts Academy

Martial Arts
Martial Arts Academy
More About Martial Arts Academy
Our Taekwon-do school at HealthQuest is recognized and certified under the International Taekwon-do Federation (ITF). Each class emphasizes the traditional style by teaching the student fundamental techniques, advanced patterns, comprehensive self defense, and competition level sparring. Students will enjoy practicing the arts’ powerful kicks and strikes along with how each movement directly applies to defending an attacker. The curriculum is designed to help the student learn to balance physical challenges, mental stress, and emotional conflict to bring out the best in the individual. We accomplish this through teaching and reinforcing the principles of courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control, and indomitable spirit. Adult and kids classes are both offered frequently throughout the week.
We offer child and adult Taekwon-do classes. Please check the Martial Arts Class schedule for the days and times.
Little Tigers: Ages 5-6 years
Child: Ages 7-12 years
Adult: Ages 13 and up
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Students must only wear approved uniforms that are clean and in good repair. Taekwon-do uniforms can be purchased at HealthQuest. T-shirts must be worn under their uniforms. Students must have trimmed nails and long hair must be neatly secured. No jewelry of any kind is permitted. Bare feet only are permitted in the martial arts room.
Rank Advancement
Progress is measured by the award of color belts in accordance with the knowledge, skill, time and effort the student has dedicated to the program. Additionally, to mark progress between belt gradings, the student will be awarded belt stripes as new skills are mastered.
Belt promotions are awarded upon the successful grading of the the required material at their level. There will be a testing fee for any student grading for any belt below black belt. The grading will test the student on their understanding of Taekwon-do knowledge relative to their age and belt level, and demonstrate appropriate self-defense moves and patterns.
HealthQuest is extremely fortunate to have as its Aikido instructor, a Hachidan (8th degree blackbelt), the highest rank granted in the world. Our instructor is a model not only to his students but to other instructors in Aikido. Higher quality instruction in Aikido will not be found anywhere and this is offered to both members and non-members.
Aikido focuses on helping the individual realize their strongest state. Students are guided toward this goal through instruction of exercises and techniques which results in being more aware of breath, relaxation and center. As they train, students develop calmness, grace and strength under pressure. They are able to achieve clarity and therefore respond calmly. Their newfound strength allows them to defend against much larger attackers. Self-defense techniques are performed efficiently and effectively. Minimum effort results in maximum effect.
Aikido teaches self-defense against both single and multiple attackers, with and without weapons. All attacks (grabs, pushes, punches, kicks and weapons) have weak or blind spots. We teach how to take advantage of these weak spots, upset the attackers balance and use techniques to establish control.
Learning to relax, to develop a coordinated mind and body, to defend yourself, to develop confidence, to develop discipline are all reasons to begin practice. Students remark at how applying these principles helps them in everyday life.
All HQ members are welcome to watch and try our class. Begin Aikido and experience your most powerful state when mind and body act together.
A Proud & Pure Lineage
HealthQuest’s Instructor Rick Goodman Sensei is one of the 3 highest ranked Kokikai Aikido instructors in the world. He has trained for over 40 years with the founder of Kokikai Aikido, Osensei Shuji Maruyama, who has trained for over 60 years and was uchi-deshi (esteemed apprentice) to Osensei Morihei Ueshiba – the founder of all Aikido.
The benefits of Aikido are many and can last a lifetime. Aikido focus on coordinating mind and body as one to develop calmness, grace and strength under pressure in daily life.
Child: Ages 7-15 years
Adult: Ages 13 and up
Click to Learn How to Tie a Belt
Students must only wear approved uniforms that are clean and in good repair. Aikido uniforms can be purchased at HealthQuest. Prices for uniforms may vary. T-shirts must be worn under their uniforms. Students must have trimmed nails and long hair must be neatly secured. No jewelry of any kind is permitted. Bare feet are only permitted in the martial arts room.
Rank Advancement
Progress is measured by the award of color belts in accordance with the knowledge, skill, time and effort the student has dedicated to the program. Belt promotions are awarded upon the successful understanding of Judo knowledge relative to their age and the required material at their belt level. There will be a nominal belt fee for any student advancing to the next belt color.
Aikido programming is included in HealthQuest membership. Non-members of the club can take part in Aikido programming for monthly fee.
Taijiquan is an ancient form of medicine, martial arts and exercise. A traditional Chinese practice using slow soft martial arts. Along with relaxing meditative value, benefits also include increased flexibility, balance, lower body strength, and coordination.
Originally developed as a style of self defense, it became the most deadly fighting system in China based on the effective martial uses of the “acupuncture points.” The additional benefits are strengthening our immune system, increasing our balance and reducing stress.
The study and practice of Taijiquan is the study of natural harmony. Through the movements, the deep breathing, the focus of intention, the ideal of body and mind in synch becomes reality. Proper practice of Qigong and Taijiquan can help you rediscover your natural movement, freedom of energy, and personal potential. All members are invited to attend classes.
Adults: Ages 13 and up
Judo, which translated means “gentle way”, is best known for spectacular throwing techniques, but also involves considerable ground grappling utilizing specialized pins and control holds. Great for kids interested in middle and high school wrestling or a fun Martial Arts! Our program is registered with the United States Judo Federation and offers optional tournaments through USJF.
HealthQuest Judo offers high level judo instruction for all ages. Students will enjoy the very active environment and hands on training they experience practicing the throwing based grappling art. While judo can be considered a sport, various self-defense techniques are also taught hand in hand to combat an attacker from standing and on the ground. In addition to the scheduled classes throughout the week, HealthQuest Judo offers a competition team that attends tournaments on a regular basis and encourages all students to compete to further advance their skills beyond what is experienced in the dojo.
We offer child and adult Judo classes. Please check the Martial Arts Class schedule for the days and times.
Child: Ages 7-15 years
Adult: Ages 13 and up
Click to Learn How to Tie a Belt
Students must only wear approved uniforms that are clean and in good repair. Judo uniforms can be purchased at HealthQuest. T-shirts must be worn under their uniforms. Students must have trimmed nails and long hair must be neatly secured. No jewelry of any kind is permitted. Bare feet only are permitted in the martial arts room.
Rank Advancement
Progress is measured by the award of color belts in accordance with the knowledge, skill, time and effort the student has dedicated to the program. Belt promotions are awarded upon the successful understanding of Judo knowledge relative to their age and the required material at their belt level. There will be a nominal belt fee for any student advancing to the next belt color.
Judo programming is included in HealthQuest membership. Non-members of the club can take part in Judo programming for monthly fee.
Brazilian Jiu-jitsu presents a unique perspective on martial arts and self-defense. Students can learn Jiu-jitsu fundamentals which will enable them to learn how to use their body to create solutions to address opponent’s size, strength and particular structural/physical configuration.
We offer adult Jiu-jitsu classes. Please check the Martial Arts Class schedule for the days and times.
Click to Learn How to Tie a Belt
Students must only wear approved uniforms that are clean and in good repair. T-shirts must be worn under their uniforms. Students must have trimmed nails and long hair must be neatly secured. No jewelry of any kind is permitted. Bare feet only are permitted in the martial arts room.
Rank Advancement
Progress is measured by the award of color belts in accordance with the knowledge, skill, time and effort the student has dedicated to the program. Belt promotions are awarded upon the successful understanding of Jiu-jitsu knowledge relative to their age and the required material at their belt level. There will be a nominal belt fee for any student advancing to the next belt color.
Jiu-jitsu programming is included in HealthQuest membership. Non-members of the club can take part in Jiu-jitsu programming for monthly fee.
To learn more about Martial Arts offerings at HealthQuest,
contact us at (908)-782-4009 x238 or [email protected].