Get Personal Training at HealthQuest
HQ Training FAQs
Trainers Levels / Descriptions
- LEVEL 1:
Trainer designs traditional workouts and supervises clients to ensure safety during movements. In addition, they hold clients accountable to their training plan.
Great for clients that are new to the gym, new to working out, with no significant injuries.
- LEVEL 2:
Trainer performs duties of a Level 1 Trainer, with additional focus on LifeStyle goals for the client. This may include nutritional guidance, weight management, endurance and general health. In addition, you will receive a full LifeStyle plan per week.
Great for the goal-minded general population, that wants a little more out of their training plan beyond the gym.
With a vast knowledge of exercises and modifications, a Level 3 Trainer will develop custom workouts for every day of the week when training 2 or more times in person per week.
Great for determined clients looking for a wide variety of exercises, daily accountability and moderate injury management.
Our most experienced trainer that can train on all levels, with additional expertise in injury prevention, prehab, rehab and direct connections with your doctors.
Great for clients that want to move better, understand their limitations and reach their full potential.
Training Frequency
Don’t assume more is better! Your training frequency is designed with your training plan and goals in mind! You will have different plans if you are trying to maintain vs gain muscle.
Are you trying to build or maintain muscle mass?
Any training plan should include at least 3 full-body lifts, or 4 split (upper/lower body or push/pull) training sessions per week. This does not mean you have to come to the gym every training session, or that you need to be with a trainer each of those days.
To maintain your muscle:
A study found that training just 1 time per week can maintain the muscle mass you already have. This 1 session must be intense enough to challenge you. Of course, this does not give any latitude to have an “off” day where you don’t put everything into the session, or miss a session altogether. Multiple studies have also proven this; however, long-term effects (greater than 12 weeks) were not studied.
Generally, our Trainers will plan the entire week for you if you’re training in-person 2x per week. How many times you actually see your trainer per week honestly comes down to how much assistance you need or how time-sensitive your goals are.
4x per week = “Dependant” Those that need more accountability to hit their goals quicker or want 100% of their lifting days supervised and told what to do.
3x per week = Those that want to have at least 80% of their lifting days supervised because even following videos seems daunting.
2x per week = “Semi independent” Confident they can complete other workouts on their own.
1x per week = Those that need to have supervision to ensure proper form or a spot when they lift heavier weights.
0x per week = “Independent” strictly online. Clients that have been cleared by trainer to have an understanding of each lift and proper form for their body.
HealthQuest Personal Training Commitments
We want to ensure you’re staying committed to your training plan, without the huge up-front cost of a traditional package plan.
Setting goals with your trainer is the first step. The second step is planning how you will get there. The role of the trainer is to develop the best plan for their client so they can hit their goals in a reasonable timeframe.
When your trainer knows you’re committed for a specific amount of sessions, they will plan out the entire program ahead of time, planning to hit target goals along the way.
Commitments expire after 6 months to ensure you are staying on pace and accountable for your progress.
We offer 12, 24 and 48 commitments. Each expires after 6 months.
You can train as many times per week, however a 48 commitment will need to train at least 2x per week to be used before the 6 month expiration.
1 – single session to learn a skill or get to know the gym equipment
12 – Smaller commitment, smaller goals, spread out payments, testing out training to see if it is for them
24 – specific goals, generally 8-12 weeks intervals. Most training plans are written in a 12 week period. It takes 12 weeks to develop a habit. We also plan on 12 week blocks to test and adapt the next training block.
48 – specific goals with the biggest discount
Depending on your commitment, trainer level and frequency per week, we have some added perks you can look forward to.
All trainers have been vetted through our onboarding program. This ensures any trainer you select will be up-to-date and proficient at all foundational movements.
Level 2-4 will be able to assist in Nutrition Programs. First Line Therapy Nutrition allows us to pick a plan that fits into your goals, either maintaining muscle or cutting body fat, while still feeding your body what it needs to recover from workouts.
Jump Start Goals –
- No more than 25g total ADDED sugars per day
- Drink ½ body weight in ounces of water daily
- 10,000 steps
Level 2-4 will include daily LifeStyle habits into your training plan
Level 3-4 will include extra injury prevention and rehab drills
Level 1-4 will include smart ____ goals (these are quarterly micro goals beyond weight loss)
Level 1-3 HQ screening and onboarding
Level 4 – STM (Slack Training Method) screening and onboarding
2x per week = HQ Training Connect app
Level 1-4 – InBody Composition Analysis and Goal Tracking
When your credit card is billed on the 25th of each month for membership, all the sessions that you have trained for that billing cycle will be included. You will be able to see all individual sessions on your member portal and app.
Want to use a different credit card?
Your membership account only allows 1 credit card to be billed. We can set you up with a second membership account that we can store this card on file. This feature will not allow you to see monthly billing since there is no app or member portal access for these ghost membership accounts. We can supply statements at your request.
We prefer to reschedule your session! Please allow 24 hours notice to your trainer. Our schedules are tightly organized to accommodate multiple clients, while accommodating for planned breaks and our own workouts. Giving 24-hours notice to reschedule or cancel allows the trainer to fill your time slot or to adjust their schedule so their day is as efficient as possible, without having to still remain in the building for extended hours.
Cancellations within that 24-hour window will be charged for the session. Your trainer will provide you with the workout to complete on your own to keep you on schedule for your training plan. Emergencies happen, for clients and trainers both. We are willing to work with you in case of situations out of your control.
Early termination will result in a penalty fee applied to your account. If you are unable to reach the commitment sessions you signed up for, we will adjust your contract to the nearest commitment package. Your fee will be the difference in per session rate.
For example: You sign up for a 48 commitment. You were only able to complete 25 sessions. We will adjust those 25 sessions from the 48 rate to the 24 rate. In this example, let’s say a commitment of 48 costs $75 each. The 24 commitment is $85 each. The difference being $10. If you trained 25 sessions, your fee would be $250 (25 sessions x $10). This is the rate you would have paid if you had selected the 24 commitment package and no extra penalty fees are associated. You are not required to finish out the 48 sessions.
What is it?
The InBody is a sophisticated machine that will break your weight into numbers your trainer will interpret for you. Weight, after all, is just a number. We are looking to see how hydrated you are, how much fat you have, how much muscle and if that muscle is balanced on the left and right side of your body. The InBody also gives us your metabolic rate. This number aids us in nutrition guidelines.
Why should I do it?
You might be thinking “I am out of shape and don’t want to step on that machine until I start working out first”. You’re not alone! We have heard this a lot. More frequently, we hear “I wish I did this sooner”! This is because you’ll want to compare where you are now from where you came from. So many people dread standing on the machine. It won’t bite! Our tip: close your eyes, listen to the music and let the trainer keep your results for a later date!
Who should avoid it?
Anyone with a pacemaker or other medical device that an electrical pulse could interrupt.
Since there is no research on InBody and Pregnancy, pregnant women are suggested to avoid the machine until they consult their physician or are postpartum. You will DEFINITELY want to to do this right after your 6 / 8 week clearance from your doctor!
How often can you do it?
We suggest 6 weeks after your first InBody to ensure you’re on the proper path.
Personal Training clients may InBody as frequently as every 4 weeks depending on their nutrition and fitness goals.
How it helps your trainer – even if you don’t want to see the results
We use the InBody to build your program. We look at the InBody for any discrepancies. Maybe your right arm is significantly (>3%) stronger than your left. Maybe that scale isn’t moving how you want it. We can use the InBody to see what is making up the weight; did your fat go down 2lbs but muscle increase 2lbs? This would make a traditional scale read the same overall pounds.
Also, we use Body Fat Percentage, not BMI. This increases the accuracy of your body classification.
A 1-hour training session is just 4% of your day. What you are doing with the other 96% is vital to your program success.
What goes into your 4% (What your trainer is accountable for)
We will focus on better movement, strength, injury prevention, education, etc.
What goes into your 96% (what you are accountable for)
With your trainers guidance, we will set up daily habits to help you reach your goals. We will give you as much or as little as you need to be successful.
These habits could include:
- Walking 10,000 or more steps
- Drink water
- Meditation / Sleep / Recovery
- Nutrition goals
- Workouts on your own
- Injury prevention or rehab on your own
- What we look for in Physical Therapist
- We look for a patient care routine that does not have you doing exercises on your own while in the office. Rather, we look for therapists that will stay with you the entire session and work beyond the main diagnosis.
- What we look for in Orthopedics
- Dr. More
- Dr. Austin – trinity – Physical Therapy
- Hunterdon Sports and Physical Therapy – Peter Desvousges and Brian
- Dr. Kripsack
- Dr. Jody Serra – Chiropractor – Center for Natural Health
- Why we like Dr. Jody – he requires new patients to have X-Rays and Thermographs prior to any adjustment. He has state of the art equipment that is limited in the state of New Jersey. He has extensive experience with athletes, including many current pro NFL and MLB players.
All of our commitments expire in 6-month time frames. When you commit to your package, the trainer will design your program start to finish of that commitment term, planning for small modifications along the way. Your trainer will take your initial goals and turn it into weekly plans.. It is our job to make sure you stay on track. When you miss sessions, this puts you behind, and makes the trainer have to reconfigure your training plan to still get you where they can by the end of the commitment. Expirations ensure you are staying on track for your initial goals. This enables your trainer to plan accordingly to best utilize your time together.
Please plan accordingly when you are leaving for vacation or other reasons you may not make your session. We suggest increasing your session frequency per week prior to vacation so you don’t find yourself trying to catch up at the end.