Bill Z.


Bill Z.

Bill Z. has been a HealthQuest member since 2010. Bill credits HealthQuest and his Personal Trainer Kathy Lane for the fact that at 68 years old he is the same weight that he was at 20! Bill enjoys working out in HealthQuest’s new state-of-the-art Fitness Center. Kathy encouraged Bill to use a Fitness app for calorie tracking. Bill used the app to track his success and set a goal to lose 1 pound per week; he is now down 30 pounds!

Bill has had an excellent experience at HealthQuest and believes that the result he has achieved speaks to the quality of HealthQuest and his trainer. “Kathy is great about developing an effective program that increases in intensity level over time but is always with in my ability, by doing so I have remained injury free and have had great results.”

Bill Z.