Extra Exhibition Practice for All Participants
Dear Parents,
There will be an extra day of practice for your children before the Exhibition. Below is the schedule of days and time that your child should come to class. Tee-shirts will be given out on that last day of practice. If your child does not make the practice for any reason, they will be given their Tee-shirt on the night of the show when they arrive at 5:15pm.
MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY 4:30 & 5:30 classes will remain at the same time for practice on June 11, 12, &13th.
MONDAY & WEDNESDAY-6:30 invite only (team) will remain the same.
If your child comes to class on Thursday or Saturday, their practice will be as follows…..
Thurs. 4:30- will practice on WED. @ 4:30pm
Thurs. 5:30- will practice on Tue. @ 5 :30pm
Thurs. 6:30- will practice on WED. @ 5:30pm
Saturday 12:30-will practice on WED. @ 5:30pm
Saturday 1 :30- will practice on TUE. @6:30pm