Gabe Goreham
Gabe Goreham has been a HealthQuest member since 2012-2013. He had been to HealthQuest as a kid for teen dances but was drawn back to the club as a member after an unfortunate accident resulted in the loss of his legs. Active and healthy as a kid, Gabe struggled with addiction and depression coupled with excess weight gain following the loss of his legs. Gabe began to exercise and work himself back into shape in 2013 however an unhealthy relationship and unresolved issues from his accident lead him back down a negative path.
It was at this time Gabe really carved out a niche in the HealthQuest community as he worked to turn his life around; this time permanently. Gabe says “I am incredibly thankful to HealthQuest because during this time it was a real place of safety for me where I was always welcomed with open arms and encouraged.” Gabe credits HealthQuest staff members Caron Moskowitz, Tracy St. Clair, Mikayla Leidli, Stephen Slack, Kyle Kimple, and Rachel Schilp along with a number of his fellow HealthQuest members for providing great support in his life. During his struggles, Gabe always looked forward to making the trip to HealthQuest for a workout or to shoot hoops to better his health and interact with those that were helping him drive his life in a positive direction.
Gabe is now working toward walking on prosthetics full-time, has lost over one hundred pounds, and became a certified yoga instructor. Gabe states that his goal going forward is to help and inspire people who have been affected by life-altering trauma. He is a firm believer that through physical activity, there are no limits! Gabe now has a website and has launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise money toward his venture. The video below, taken from Gabe’s crowdfunding page, tells more about Gabe’s journey.
Gabe’s story reminds us of the value to creating a welcoming community in addition to great fitness opportunities.
Gabe Goreham