How to Get Back in Shape after Taking the Summer Off

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Summertime is universally exciting. Who doesn’t love a small hiatus from life’s demands? However, while relaxing and indulging by the lake, pool, or beach, it’s easy to have strayed from your workout routine. Thankfully, HealthQuest and their elite fitness experts are here to make the transition back to ‘workout mode’ a little easier.

We all know fitness is vital for our overall well-being; however it can sometimes get placed on the back burner. Wade Williams, HealthQuest’s Assistant Director of Fitness, offers three excellent tips to get back into shape after any period of time off including, “setting up a schedule for yourself.” Making exercise a priority and integrating it into your calendar will establish a pattern. “After the first three weeks of regular exercise, your body will automatically get back into the movements,” said Williams. HealthQuest’s Group Fitness Manager, Linda Romaine, agrees—“If you are not exercising at all, start slow and get into a pattern, don’t try to make up for lost time all at once.  Set up a schedule starting with 3 workouts a week.” Another equally important way to get back in shape is to, “switch things up and alter your routine to keep you on track to achieve results and peak your interest in a variety of fitness methods.” If looking for some variety to encourage you to get back to the gym, “try a group fitness class, exercising with other people can be fun and motivating,” said Romaine. Lastly, “create realistic and measurable goals for yourself.” Setting realistic goals can turn any workout wish into reality, and meeting with a certified personal trainer to help you set those goals and keep you accountable often leads to success. Anyone who follows these guidelines is sure to find it not only fun returning to the gym, but revitalizing as well.

Welcome the change of season with a change in you. Visit HealthQuest today to learn more about our facility, personal trainers, or variety of programs.

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